How Do I Make Sure that Missing Supplier Item Numbers Are Validated?


Usually, the supplier item number is a mandatory field for import into the ERP system. Sometimes no supplier item numbers are transmitted in the PDF order. This means that the elements SUPPLIER_AID or even ARTICLE_ID are missing in the extracted XML structure.

For validation, however, these elements must be present in the structure. For this purpose, two XSLT templates are created in the “blue” process 1 as follows:

<xsl:template match="ORDERS_ITEM">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
    <!-- Check if ARTICLE_ID exists. If not, then create ARTICLE_ID/SUPPLIER_AID empty  -->
    <xsl:if test="not(ARTICLE_ID)">

<xsl:template match="ARTICLE_ID">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
    <!-- Check whether SUPPLIER_AID exists. If not, then create empty -->
    <xsl:if test="not(SUPPLIER_AID)">
  • In the validation, a rule on SUPPLIER_AID is stored as a mandatory field, e.g. with Lenght != 0.

More Information:

  • Automatic Validation: Link
  • 8 Steps to Automatically Process PDF Documents: Link

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